Thanks to new technologies for insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) and complementary fast-recovery diodes (FRDs), the firm now offers a family of discrete products with more than 20% improvements in on-state and switching losses when compared to competitive devices.The first two devices are the IRGP25A120KD and the IRGP25A120UD. These Co-Pack devices combine the IGBT and FRD in a TO-247 package with ratings of 1200V and 25A (IC at 90°C). The K version has been optimized for motor-drive applications with a typical Vce of 2.7V at rated current. The U version is optimized for power conversion with a typical Vce of 3.9V at rated current. The switching losses of both devices have been optimized to provide maximum efficiencies in their respective applications. First devices to be released in the family of die products are the 25A, 50A, 75A and 100A die pairs.
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