The MTM-E for long-term evolution (LTE) products lays claim to being the only antenna that can support six or more bands operating from 698 MHz to 960 MHz in the low band and 1,710 to 2,170 MHz as well as 2.6 GHz in the high band without requiring any switching elements or matching circuits. It also alleges to be the smallest LTE antenna platform available. Unlike 3D antennas designed for LTE, the MTM-E employs a simple 2D design in which copper artwork is printed directly on a device’s PCB using standard manufacturing techniques. Meeting the current LTE standard calling for MIMO technology requiring two separate antenna structures that operate over the same frequency band, at the same time, and from the same location, the component exhibits reliable MIMO gain performance with greater than 50% efficiency, a better than -10 dB in near field isolation, and a better than 0.3 far-field envelop correlation coefficient. The secondary LTE MIMO antenna also supports 3G diversity and GPS applications. RAYSPAN Corp., San Diego, CA. (858) 259-9596.