General Purpose High Temperature SiC Transistors and Rectifiers
GeneSiC Semiconductor announces the immediate availability of a line of compact, high temperature SiC Junction Transistors as well as a line of rectifiers in TO-46 metal can packages. These discrete components are designed and manufactured to operate under ambient temperatures of greater than 225oC. The use of high temperature, high voltage and low on-resistance capable SiC Transistors and Rectifiers will reduce the size/weight/volume of electronics applications requiring higher power handling at elevated temperatures. These devices are targeted for use in a wide variety of applications including a wide variety of downhole circuits, geothermal instrumentation, solenoid actuation, general purpose amplification, and switched mode power supplies.
High Temperature SiC Junction Transistors (SJT) offered by GeneSiC exhibit sub-10 nsec rise/falls times enabling >10 MHz switching as well as a square reverse biased safe operation area (RBSOA). The transient energy losses and switching times are independent of junction temperature. These switches are gate-oxide free, normally-off, exhibit positive temperature co-efficient of on-resistance, and are capable of being driven by 0/+5 V TTL gate drivers, unlike other SiC switches. Unique advantages of the SJT in contrast to other SiC switches is its higher long term reliability, >10 usec short circuit capability, and superior avalanche capability. These devices can be used as efficient amplifiers as they promise a much higher linearity than any other SiC switch.
High Temperature SiC Schottky Rectifiers being offered by GeneSiC show low on-state voltage drops, and industry's lowest leakage currents at elevated temperatures. With temperature independent, near-zero reverse recovery switching characteristics, SiC Schottky rectifiers are ideal candidates for use in high efficiency, high temperature circuits. The TO-46 metal can packages as well as the associated packaging processes used to create these products critically enable long term use where high reliability is critical.