PXI Switching Modules Up Density Matrix

June 1, 2006
Setting a record for the highest density matrix in a single-slot 3U PXI module, each member of the 40-540/1/2 family supports a matrix with up to 528 crosspoint switches organized as 132x4 (40-540), 66x8 (40-541), and 33x16 (40-542). Each module

Setting a record for the highest density matrix in a single-slot 3U PXI module, each member of the 40-540/1/2 family supports a matrix with up to 528 crosspoint switches organized as 132x4 (40-540), 66x8 (40-541), and 33x16 (40-542). Each module switches signals up to 150V and 0.5A. They are available partially loaded to reduce initial purchase costs and they come pre-configured at the requested matrix size, eliminating the need to purchase additional terminal blocks. Instrument-grade ruthenium reed relays ensure reliable performance at all voltages and currents and a long service life. To minimize down time, lead-style relays provide an alternative to surface-mount components. Additionally, the modules gain support from the company's range of connector, cable, and breakout accessories. For more information, contact Bob Stasonis at PICKERING INTERFACES INC., Woburn, MA. (781) 897-1710.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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