Providing an alternative to separate DMMs and switch systems, dataloggers/recorders, VXI/PXI systems, and plug-in DAQ equipment, the Model 2750 tightly integrates a high-performance multimeter and switching system in a single enclosure for either rack-mounting or benchtop use. The resulting instrument is said to surpass other single-box measurement and control systems in terms of channel count, price per channel, and system performance. As an addition to the Integra series, this mainframe combines five expansion slots, nine plug-in modules, and a 14-function, 6.5-digit digital multimeter (DMM), allowing up to 200 channels of two-pole (differential) switching and multi-channel analog and digital I/O. Other system features include scan rates of greater than 200 channels/s (i.e., up to 2,500 readings/s), an integrated 20-mV clamp, and built-in signal conditioning that allows inputs up to 1 kV/3A and 300V/1A with the plug-in modules. The mainframe also provides per-channel programmable scan lists, a 110,000-point memory buffer, signal scaling, and several math functions. Communication with a PC is via a GPIB or RS-232 interface. The mainframe is priced at $2,750 and the modules start at $595.
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