Operating via the USB, the USB ADC-11 data logger is capable of measuring up to 11 channels of voltage at sampling rates up to 20 ksamples/s. The instrument is available in two versions: the 10-bit USB ADC-11/10 and 12-bit USB ADC-11/12, both of which are compatible with multi-purpose terminal blocks. When using PicoLog software, which is able to record up to one million readings, data can be viewed in real-time or stored on a hard disk for later analysis. The ADC-11/10 provides 1,024 discrete voltage levels with an accuracy of 1% while the ADC-11/12 delivers 4,096 voltage levels with an accuracy of 0.5%. Available directly from the company, prices start at approximately $170. For further information, contact Zita Goodliffe at PICO TECHNOLOGY LTD., Cambridgeshire, UK. +44 (0)1480 396395.
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