Starting a DebugLive session
Joining a remote session
Attaching to remote process
Displaying current call stack
Single step through source code
Setting conditional breakpoints
Remote debugging is possible with many tools if you have the patience. Ethernet connections are the norm even for debugging embedded devices but practice is a bit different than theory. This is where comes into play. It is designed for collaborative, remote debugging.DebugLive targets team development. Its web-based presence provides "virtual rooms" for projects allowing multiple developers to interact with the environment. The platform can be used for initial development, testing and field debugging.
There are two primary components to the system. The DebugLive Server provides the web-based support and coordination. The DebugLive Client is a browser-based ActiveX control that works with the server. DebugLive can provide DebugLive Server services or companies can host their own DebugLive Server. The client is licensed on a per seat basis.
The client incorporates the DebugLive debugger interface. The debugger matches those on the market with features like Javascript and batch file support in addition to features that remote debugging will need such as command scheduling and notification. The interface is graphical and command line driven providing a friendly face regardless of developer preferences.
There is actually a third component as you might expect, the remote proxy. The proxy runs on the system under test and is linked to the client via the DebugLive server. The proxy provides remote debugging, screen shot access and dumps. Peer remoting is also supported. Security is provided via HTTPS.
The virtual room provides a meeting place as well as a shared storage facility that is integrated with the debugger. Files such as dumps from a remote proxy can be stored and analysed at a later date if necessary. This mechanism also allows clients to have minimal footprint since large dumps are stored on the server, not locally. Likewise, this information does not have be stored on the system under test.
Multiple users can congregate in a room and debug an application cooperatively. Users have access to the range of information an services in addition to the debug interface.
DebugLive initially targets Windows platforms for both the client and remote proxy. The system can handle managed and unmanaged applications just like Microsoft's Visual Studio debugger.
Other targets such as Linux are in the works. The platform is designed to accept third party plugins allowing integration with services such as project management and bug tracking.
DebugLive is selling hosted DebugLive Online services on a per minute utility-style, Software-as-a-service (SAAS) model. The DebugLive Tickets are designed for 8-hour increments. Contact DebugLive for other pricing as well as hosting a local DebugLive Server. DebugLive provides consulting and training.