The Model 9605 Ethernet-to GPIB controller provides access to general-purpose interface bus (GPIB) instruments from any computer with a network interface card (NIC) or to any TCP/IP network. The controller, developed by ICS Electronics, is a VXI-11.2-compliant server (the VISA VXI-11.2 communication sub-standard covers LAN-to-GPIB interface servers). It also complies with VXI-11.3 standard for LAN-controllable instruments. As a result, users have full control of the GPIB bus and the ability to perform IEEE-488.2 controller protocols like Find Listener. The 9065’s VXI-11 Service can be accessed from LabVIEW, VEE, Visual Basic, and C language application programs that call a VXI-11-compliant VISA layer. Programmers can also access the VXI-Service with RPC calls from the application program. Also, a VXI-11 Keyboard program lets WIN32 computer users control the 9065 and GPIB instruments connected to the controller without having to write a program. The device supports SRQ handling, serial polling, and SRQ notify. Moreover, it supports multiple clients. Replete with a new html control page, it is two to four times faster than the previous version 8065 controller.