Cadia Networks created a “single box” solution toward understanding the iMX6 architecture with its iMX6-DK development kit. Designed for the Freescale iMX6 system-on-a-chip (SoC) with an ARM A9 core, the kit with 7-in. touchscreen serves a wide array of users with various levels of expertise. Beyond the core processing power, the CPU baseboard includes interfaces such as PCI Express (PCIe), Mini-PCIe, Gigabit Ethernet, RS-232, CAN 2.0, and USB 2.0, along with a watchdog timer and analog input. Contained within the kit are an iMX6 CNA9-SOM module with HDMI capability; a baseboard to host the SOM module with all of the connectors (SD socket, serial port, power, USB, Ethernet, analog, PWM, and GPIO); a pre-installed and mounted LCD; a dc 5-V power-supply adapter; USB and Ethernet cables; and an SD card with a ready-to-run Linux OS image that’s pre-programmed with Uboot, OS, device drivers, application code, and all documentation. Also included is an Eclipse development environment on a USB flash drive. Among the software features are Virtual Box on Windows 7 that provides Virtual Machine Environment of Ubuntu 12.04LTS; VM Image specific to the iMX6; and Eclipse IDE for developing C/C++ applications.