Single-Cycle Core Boosts MCU Performance

June 2, 2005
At the heart of the AT89LP MCU family is the latest version of the single-cycle 8051 core, which performs 12 times faster with an 82% reduction in power consumption than the standard core. The latest core requires one clock cycle for every byte fetch,

At the heart of the AT89LP MCU family is the latest version of the single-cycle 8051 core, which performs 12 times faster with an 82% reduction in power consumption than the standard core. The latest core requires one clock cycle for every byte fetch, whereas the older CPU requires 12 clock cycles for every byte fetch. With an operating voltage range from 2V to 5.5V, the AT89LP delivers 20 MIPS throughput at a 20 MHz clock—the classic core delivers less than 2 MIPS at 20 MHz. Conversely, at the same MIPS throughput as the classic 8051, the new AT89LP core runs at a much lower clock frequency, thereby reducing power consumption by 82%. The first two devices in the family, the AT89LP2052 and AT89LP4052, integrate 2 KB and 4 KB of flash code memory, respectively. Prices for the AT89LP2052 and AT89LP4052 are $0.85 and $0.99 each/10,000, respectively. ATMEL CORP., San Jose, CA. (408) 441-0311.

Company: ATMEL CORP.

Product URL: Click here for more information

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