A new family of 16 Mb asynchronous low-power SRAMs from Cypress feature an on-chip ECC block that enables the highest levels of data reliability, without the need for additional error correction chips. MoBL devices extend the battery life of handheld systems for a variety of markets, including industrial, military, communication, data processing, medical and consumer electronics. The ECC block performs all error correction functions inline, without user intervention, delivering SER performance of less than 0.1 FIT/Mb. Offered in standard x8, x16 and x32 configurations and operating at multiple voltages (1.8 V, 3 V, and 5 V) over -40°C to +85°C (Industrial) and -40°C to +125°C (Automotive-E) temperature ranges, the devices are pin-compatible with current asynchronous low-power SRAMs, enabling users to boost system reliability while retaining board layout. The 16-Mbit MoBL SRAMs are currently sampling in industrial temperature grade, with production expected in November 2014. These devices will be available in RoHS-compliant 48-pin TSOP I, 48-ball VFBGA and 119-ball BGA packages.