Employing a unique architecture, the Ultra Low Power (ULP) embedded memory platform consists of two SRAMs and one ROM. The ULP (ASAP) single-port SRAM, self-test and repair (STAR) ULP single-port SRAM, and STAR ULP ROM reportedly consume 26 times less active power than comparable memory devices. The STAR SRAMs combine banking and divided wordlines to allow memories to operate at 0.046 mW/MHz worst case for a 256 Kb memory. The devices come in densities og from 128 to 512 Kb. The STAR ROM operates at 0.031 mW/MHz worst case for a 1 Mb memory and is available in densities from 64 Kb to 16 Mb. Prices for the ASAP ULP SRAM, STAR ULP SRAM and STAR ULP ROM start at $57,000, $130,000, and $200,000, respectively. VIRAGE LOGIC CORP., Fremont, CA. (877) 360-6690.
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