Combining the high integration of conventional battery-backed NVRAMs with the flexibility of implementations using discrete components, the M48Z32V NVRAM integrates battery switchover and write-protect circuits into 256-Kb SRAM. Offered in a compact 44-lead SOIC package, the device measures just 3.05 mm in height. It is rated for 10 years of data retention using 18 mAh of battery capacity at 40_C. Functioning like ordinary SRAM, the M48Z32V can be incorporated into any design operating on 3.3V. An integral power-fail detect circuit write-protects the memory when VCC falls below 2.85V ± 0.15V. Price is under $3 each in volume. STMICROELECTRONICS, INC., Lexington, MA. (781) 861-2650.
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