Microcontroller Core Targets Disk Drive And Automotive Apps
The Super10 core is a highly advanced version of the company's ST10 microcontroller core that employs a new architecture that allows most instructions to be executed in one cycle, more than doubling the execution speed at a given clock speed. In addition, it adds DSP instructions optimized for real-time control applications. The core maintains code compatibility with standard ST10 cores, allowing the re-use of existing software in newer, more advanced system-on-chip applications. The new core targets control applications in hard disk drives and automotive and consumer products where DSP algorithms are needed to achieve the required performance. Fast response to interrupts is achieved due to two local register banks in the core, which offer zero cycle context switching capability. Designed specifically for embedding in SoC solutions, the core is a fully synthesizable design for process portability and can be combined with a variety of peripheral and interface IP for fast SOC design. The core can be operated at any speed from zero to 150 MHz.