This application plug-in tool was developed to simplify the design of data converters used with digital-signal processors (DSPs). The plug-in for the company's Code Composer Studio development environment is said to cut configuration time for its data converters used with its TMS320 DSPs by up to 80%. The Windows navigation tools allow designers to select from the available data converters and insert them directly into the software program for use with TMS320C5000 and TMS320C6000 DSPs. The software allows the user to set configuration data, which it embeds into C code for integration with the overall program under development. The graphically-driven interface is claimed to be easy to learn, even for programmers who are unfamiliar with specific data converter hardware registers. Existing users of Code Composer Studio can download the plug-in for free from the company's web site. It is also available at no extra charge on the Code Composer Studio 1.2 CD-ROM.
Company: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. - Semiconductor Group, Literature Response Center
Product URL: Click here for more information