A database created by the Die Products Consortium identifies the companies that supply semiconductor products in die form. Based on a survey of 350 semiconductor suppliers worldwide, the database aids the design and manufacture of multichip packages by providing information on die availability early in the customer's design process. It does so by rapidly focusing the search for the availability of a particular die type to the relevant suppliers, who can then provide detailed product specifications.
The database permits searches by basic IC functions like ASIC, DSP, analog, or logic; die formats such as bumped, wirebond-ready, or chip-scale packaging; and shipping media including wafer trays, waffle packs, tape and reel, and others. In addition, it offers information on the authorized supply channels, Web links for more information, and company contacts.
Over time, the database will be expanded by increasing the number of suppliers profiled and by cross referencing the suppliers with the markets they serve. The latter feature accounts for the vast differences in die requirements among diverse applications. Other types of new information, which are not time-sensitive, may also be added. Beyond these activities, the consortium plans to develop a database of companies that can provide assembly services to users of die products. This database should be available by early September.
To view the database, go to www.dieproduct.com/die. Or for further details, call or e-mail Larry Gilg, managing director of the Die Product Consortium, at (512) 452-0077 or [email protected].