With an eye on simplifying video equipment design, the LMH1982 clock generator razes clock output jitter to as low as 40 ps peak-to-peak, reportedly the lowest in the industry. In a 32-pin LLP measuring 5 mm x 5 mm, the device squeezes into compact video cameras, digital recorders, and a wide range of video editing and post-production equipment. It can replace discrete and FPGA PLLs with multiple VCXOs; only one external VCXO is required to operate the device. Operating from 3.3V and 2.5V supplies with a total power dissipation of 250 mW, the clock can generate two simultaneous SD and HD outputs and an output top of frame timing pulse. Additionally, the LMH1982 supports NTSC/525i, PAL/625i, 525p, 625p, 720p, 1080i, and 1080p timing. An I2C interface is on board for programming device registers and reading device status. Samples are available now with production set for May. Price is $24.95 each/100. NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORP., Santa Clara, CA. (800) 272-9959.
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