The newest version of IConnect, 1.5 allows the use of a time-domain reflectometry oscilloscope to obtain interconnect frequency domain S-parameters, transmission line insertion and return loss, and spectra of time domain signals. This software is an integrated measurement, modeling and model-validation tool for the characterization of high-speed interconnects in printed and flexible circuit boards, packages, sockets, connectors, cables and cable assemblies. It is said to enable accurate impedance measurements and improves the TDR oscilloscope resolution by removing multiple reflections from TDR waveforms. Impedance can be displayed against time or physical distance on the x-axis. Other features include a tool that automates interconnect model generation and validation using TDR measurements. The new automation features include automatic partitioning and modeling of the TDR sources waveform and DUT impedance profiles. The software supports interfaces to Agilent and Tektronix oscilloscopes and provides direct links to PSpice, HSpice and Berkley SPICE3 simulators. Version 1.5 runs on Windows NT 4/98/95.