Designed for high-performance handheld portable computing devices and PCI-based systems such as network terminals, auto PCs, web phones, and other embedded systems, the VR4122 is a high-speed, integrated 64-bit RISC processor that achieves an operating speed of 180 MHz and offers compatibility with the MIPS RISC architecture. The firm has also released the VRC4173 companion chip, which integrates the primary peripheral functions needed to complete a system. The advanced fabrication process is said to reduce internal voltage in the VR4122 to 1.8V, cutting power consumption during full-speed operation and in standby mode to less than half that of current standard products, it’s claimed. A high-speed on-chip memory interface is also included for direct connection with SDRAM, page ROM and Flash memory. As a system solution, the VRC4173 companion chip extends the VR4122 processor’s capabilities by integrating a USB host controller, PC Card controller, PS/2 interface, AC97 audio interface, keyboard and touch-panel controls, A/D and D/A controllers, and 21 general-purpose I/O pins on a single chip. Connecting the VRC4173 controller, along with memory and other standard devices, to the CR4122 processor, enables easy configuration of a high-performance system.