Four standard attenuation values—1, 3, 6, and 10 dB—are offered on the single-chip MTA1225 multi-tap attenuators. VSWR for all four values is less than 1.5:1 with attenuation tolerance of +/- 0.5dB or 10%, whichever is greater. They’re constructed using a high-stability thick-film resistor element on alumina. The 0.125-in. x 0.250-in. x 0.015-in. attenuators are available with wire bondable or solderable terminations. Multi-tap attenuator chips are designed to eliminate the use of multiple attenuator devices to reduce both board space and inventory costs. The MTA1225 is aimed at low-frequency multiple signal-processing applications, providing multiple attenuation levels when used in conjunction with a high-frequency switch or a pin diode. Multi-tap attenuators are manufactured the company’s ISO 9001 manufacturing facility. Customer-specific applications can be accommodated, including optional high-reliability screening or custom testing. Pricing for the new components is under $1.90 in production quantities. Delivery is stock to eight weeks ARO. STATE OF THE ART, (SOTA) INC., State College, PA. (800) 458-3401.
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