With dimensions of 2.6" x 2.1" x 0.36", the IM805H microstepping driver uses hybrid technology to reportedly make it the industry's smallest such driver. Input voltage is 24V to 75V and output current is 1 to 5 ARMS, 7A peak. The unit is designed to be soldered directly onto a pc board, eliminating the need for wiring and mounting to save design and assembly time. It also has 14 built-in microstep resolutions from 1/2 to 1/256 step (both binary and decimal) that can be changed at any time without a need to reset the driver. In many instances, mechanical gearing can be replaced with microstepping. Ripple current is minimized to reduce motor heating common in other designs; this feature allows use of low inductance motors to improve high-speed performance and system efficiency.