Said to offer outstanding dynamic performance over its entire operating range, AD9288 A/D converter requires no external reference or driver components, which is critical to cost-sensitive designs. In other respects, the new ADC is similar to its single-channel predecessor, the AD9283, which, at 100 MSPS, is said to be the industry's fastest 8-bit analog-to-digital converter to operate at 3V. Both converters contain on-board track-and-hold circuits and separate encode clocks, increasing design flexibility for many applications. AD9288's two channels can be operated separately, making it useful in battery-powered applications. Other AD9288 features include low power requirements (110 mW with an input frequency of 10.3 MHz at 100 MSPS per channel) and TTL/CMOS-compatible encode input. The ADC comes in a 48-pin LQFP and in three speed grades (40, 80 and 100 MSPS). An evaluation platform is also available.