High-Density ZIF Connectors Employ Novel Self-Aligning Technique
The problems associated with ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) connectors used for interconnecting conductive ink circuits, flexible printed circuits and flat flexible cables to pc boards are said to be overcome by SARAH (Self-Alignment circuit Retaining Actuator/Housing) connectors. The connectors eliminate the need to attach an additional stiffener to align a circuit to its contacts. This is done by using a built-in circuit-to-contact alignment mechanism comprised of circuit locators, a circuit compression flap and conductor alignment notches. The elements of the mechanism work in tandem to align and connect the circuit to its spring contact using a two-point locking system for added reliability. The SARAH connectors are also said to eliminate the need for a conventional high-pressure wiping contact. Further, the connectors do not require tight circuit thickness control or the installation of strain-relief holes.