The use of chip-on-board technology combined with Flat Response Fluid (FRT) technology allows the LM4047 low-profile display to automatically adjust the contrast over its operating temperature range. This feature is particularly useful where and ambient temperature around the display is likely to change. The use of FRT eliminates the need for temperature compensation circuitry or manual adjustment of the contrast voltage commonly used on most LCD displays. The overall size of the module is just 74 x 19.5 mm. Other key features include: 3 or 5 Vdc single power supply operation; lightweight (0.4 oz.); a wide operating temperature range (-20°C to 70°C); flat temperature response (i.e., no need to compensate for ambient temperature changes); and heat-seal connection technology for rugged and reliable operation. Pricing starts at $9.00 each/1,000.
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