Compared to the wider beam of standard SMT LEDs, this new family of SMT LEDs produces a narrow light beam oriented at a right angle. The SML-LXR44 series' narrow beam is only 90¡ wide, compared to the typical 160¡ of standard SMT LEDs, resulting in a brighter beam that is easier to collimate. The light output is parallel to the circuit board, simplifying the design of systems using LEDs as edge-lighting for LCDs, or where light pipes are used, or in instrumentation where a more efficient method of post lighting is needed, or anywhere traditional panel indicators are used. These unique characteristics are achieved by a high-temperature molded carrier, whose shape resembles a boomerang. The LEDs require a circuit board space of 4 mm x 4 mm and are packaged on 12-mm taped reels correctly oriented to take advantage of the right-angle characteristics. Devices can withstand up to three seconds at 260¡C in reflow soldering operations. Typical output from the 635 nm high-intensity red unit is 25 mcd at an IF of 20 mA. Pricing ranges from $0.15 to $0.35 each depending on chip selected and quantity purchased. LUMEX INC., Palatine, IL. (800) 278-5666.
Company: LUMEX INC.
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