In 6-pin DFN, 8-pin PDIP, and 8-pin narrow-body SOIC packages, the MC9RS08KA 8-bit microcontrollers are the first MCUs built on the RS08 core, a simpler version of the company's low-power HCS08 architecture. The devices integrate up to 2 KB of flash memory, 63 bytes of RAM, and operate at speeds to 10 MHz at 1.8V. An integral voltage regulator minimizes voltage variation to logic while keeping supply voltage lower. Other features include an 8-bit modulo timer and prescaler, analog comparator, real-time interrupt trigger with 3-bit prescaler, four bidirectional I/O lines, computer-operating-properly feature, 3- and 5-channel keyboard interrupt, low-voltage detect with reset, stop, or wakeup, and a background debugging system. Support for the MCU family comes by way of CodeWarrior Development Studio for HC(S)08/RS08 MCUs v5.1 and the DEMO9RS08KA2 demonstration board. Pricing for the MC9RS08KA devices starts at $0.43 each/10,000 and a single DEMO9RS08KA2 board costs $50. FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR INC., Austin, TX. (800) 521-6274.
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