
Free Evaluation Kits Support Coin Cell Holders

Dec. 14, 2011
MPD offers free evaluation kits for Snap Dragon and MINI lithium battery holders.

MPD offers free evaluation kits for Snap Dragon and MINI lithium battery holders. Deemed a whole new category of coin cell battery holders, Snap Dragons increase the reliability of open top coin cell holders through the use of a snap-on cover piece. Another new category of coin cell battery holders, Minis reduce the height of battery holders on PCBs. The first Mini released, the BU2032SM-JJ-MINI-GTR, is designed for use with CR2032 batteries. The component rises under 2 mm with an installed CR2032. This directly saves almost 3 mm in board height when compared to typical CR2032 battery holders. Evaluation boards are available free of charge from the company’s website. MEMORY PROTECTION DEVICES INC., Farmingdale, NY (631) 249-0001.

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