An optical design breakthrough is credited with enablingActive-MLA (Multi-Line Addressing) LCDs achieve performance and price levels competitive with thin-film transistor (TFT) LCDs. In fact, the new units are said to offer high-quality, full-color displays of moving images with fast response times, high brightness, and lower cost and power dissipation than TFT LCDs. The Active-MLA LCDs achieve a reflection ratio of 50% with 65,000 colors and deliver a brightness of 35 nits. Moving images are supported at speeds of 10 to 15 frames/s, and power consumption is only 2.5 mW. The product lineup for the new LCDs include 256-, 4,096- and 65,000-color models for use, for example, as the graphic user interface for i-mode Internet access phones and W-CDMA 3G cell phones. Volume pricing for a 2Ó display is in the low $40 range. For more details, call John Cramer at OPTREX AMERICA INC., Plymouth, MI. (734) 416-8500.
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