The circuitry needed to control multi-line character display modules has been integrated into a chipset consisting of an 18-bit A/D converter and a pre-programmed microprocessor. Designed to minimize signal crosstalk and noise, the two-chip set is primarily intended for use in precision embedded display applications, such as embedded digital panel meters, signal conditioners, high resolution voltmeters, and calibration systems, with the chipset serving to greatly simplify the task of implementing the display control functions. Full-scale analog input range is ±2.00000 Vdc with a linearity of 0.005%. Up to seven full digits can be shown on the displays.The ADC chip is represented by the ALD500, which functions as a dual-slope integrator, or the ALD500R, which also incorporates an on-chip precision voltage reference. The ALD523D controller IC is designed to interface with various LCD/VFD multi-line alphanumeric display modules and features separate control inputs for power-down mode, chip select and integration time select. Price of the chipset starts at $12.66 each/1K. For more details, call John Skurla at ADVANCED LINEAR DEVICES INC., Sunnyvale, CA. (408) 747-1155.