For American automotive markets, the GDC MB86276 2D-display controller debuts as a streamlined version of the MB86296 3D-display controller. It includes several of the features common to the high-end 3D device including dual-display support, video capture, multiple alpha-blending options, and a 16-bit Z buffer. The MB86276 specifies an internal and memory frequency of 133 MHz while the base clock for display operates at 400.9 MHz. Resolution ranges from 320 x 240 to 1,280 x 768. Six overlay windows, all of which provide a color depth of 8-, 16-, or 24-bits/pixel, can operate simultaneously. Each is variable in size, position, and priority, and the maximum logical layer size is 4,096 x 4,096 pixels. Other controller features include support for internal/external DMA and an external 32-bit SDRAM interface for up to 64 MB of graphics memory, I2C interface, and GPIOs. Available in a 256-pin BGA, price starts at $12 each/100,000. For further information, call FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS AMERICA INC., Sunnyvale, CA. (408) 737-5600.
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