Chiseled as a 25V synchronous buck converter, DirectFET MOSFET chipset for POL converter designs, and server, high-end desktop, and notebook computer applications, the IRF6710S2, IRF6795M, and IRF6797M devices enable operation in excess of 25A per phase. The IRF6710S2 specifies a gate resistance of 0.3 Ohms and Miller charge of 3 nC. Reportedly, the IRF6795M and IRF6797M feature extremely low on-resistance specs and integrate Schottky diodes to reduce conduction and reverse recovery losses making these devices suitable for high-current synchronous MOSFET circuits. The IRF6795M and IRF6797M have a common MX footprint to allow migration from existing SyncFET devices. Prices are $0.66 (IRF6710S2TR1PbF), $1.35 (IRF6795MTR1PbF), and $1.65 (IRF6797MTR1PbF) each/10,000. For more information, contact Graham Robertson at INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER, El Segundo, CA. (310) 726-8512.
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