A VTM voltage transformer using Sine Amplitude Converter (SAC) technology offers performance enhancements for server applications. The VIV0005TFJ operates with an upstream PRM regulator to drive low-voltage, high-current processor and memory arrays, and has a 130 A DC, 195 A peak rating. The module’s high efficiency–greater than 90%–reduces both system power consumption and heat dissipated at the load. The VIV0005TFJ’s SAC has an impedance of less than 1 mOhm from DC to 1 MHz, which means that capacitance normally at the load can be located at the input to the converter. With a K factor of 1/40, this module can reduce the bulk capacitance value by a factor of 1600. The VIV0005TFJ is ideal for microprocessor and memory power applications that require high efficiency, fast transient response, low profile, and overall design flexibility. A VTM (VIV0007TFJ) with a K factor of 1/32 and 115 A DC output is also available. The VIV0005TFJ achieves a current density of 117 A/in.2 in the full-size (32.5 x 22.0 x 6.7 mm) package, compatible with standard pick-and-place and surface-mount assembly processes. VICOR CORP., Andover, MA. (800) 735-6200.
Company: VICOR CORP.
Product URL: Click here for more information