Debuting in the company’s PQFN package, the IRFHSxxxx HEXFET power MOSFETs target low-power designs including smartphones, tablet PCs, camcorders, etc. Exhibiting a footprint of 4 mm2, the devices include 20V, 25V, and 30V ratings with standard or logic level gate drive. The PQFN2x2 family includes P-Channel devices optimized for use in the high-side of load switches. With a profile of less than 1 mm, the devices are compatible with existing surface-mount techniques. Pricing for an IRFH6342 begins at $0.33 each/1,000-unit quantities. For more information, contact Sian Cummins at INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER CORP., El Segundo, CA. (310) 252-7148 or email [email protected].