Pickering Interfaces Adds to Range of PXI Power Matrices
February 27, 2012. Pickering Interfaces is expanding its range of PXI power matrices with the introduction of the 40-549 and 40-551. The 40-549 is a 5-A matrix available in a variety of 32 and 64 crosspoint configurations with Y axis sizes of x4 and x8. Maximum switching voltage is 110 VDC or 250 VAC.
The 40-551 is a 10-A matrix configured as an 8×4 matrix that switches voltages up to 125 VDC and 250 VAC and features an optional loop-thrugh facility that simplifies user cabling when the matrix size is expanded through the use of additional modules. The 40-551 is also available in 8×2 and 4×4 configurations.
Both the 40-549 and 40-551 use high quality electromechanical relays, which offer long service life. U.S. list prices range from $1,214 to $1,619 for the 40-549 and $1,180 to $1,785 for the 40-551.
Pickering Interfaces, www.pickeringtest.com.
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