Serial Bus Debug Tools
A set of oscilloscope firmware and software upgrades simplifies and shortens serial bus debug cycles and offers enhanced support for a number of serial bus standards including PCI Express, CAN/LIN, FlexRay, MIL-STD-1553B, and MOST (Media Oriented System Transport). A new Visual Trigger triggering system allows you to create customizable shapes that closely match the waveform of interest using your mouse or touch screen. An analysis interface for use with MATLAB also is available.
The new DPOJET jitter and eye diagram analysis tool identifies crosstalk-induced jitter as bounded uncorrelated jitter (BUJ). DPOJET also has been enhanced with the capability to add customized measurements and now includes support for logic signals acquired using the mixed-signal functionality in Tektronix MSO5000 and MSO70000 Series Oscilloscopes. This logic-channel capability permits up to 16 address and command bus signals to be integrated into the DPOJET debug environment.
In support of the growing use of electronics in the automotive industry, Tektronix is rolling out CAN/LIN support and new capabilities for analyzing FlexRay and MOST buses. The company also offers PCI Express PHY-layer decode support for variations of this bus standard. The new version of DPOJET is available now. Firmware updates for the DPO/MSO5000, DPO7000C, and DPO/DSA/MSO70000C/D Series Oscilloscopes are available free.
Multifunction JTAG Module
The JT 2149/DAF is a compact, mixed-signal measurement module that offers both digital and analog test access to PCBs via the company’s QuadPod Signal Conditioning Interface. The JT 2149/DAF Module has been designed to slot into the regular QuadPod transceiver system as used by the DataBlaster Series of boundary-scan/JTAG controller hardware. When connected to a circuit board via an edge connector or test fixture test pins, the module enhances standard digital boundary-scan tests by enabling a series of analog and frequency measurements to be made.
Capabilities of the JT 2149/DAF include 16 dual-purpose digital pins capable of digital I/O stimulus and response at voltages of 1.0 to 3.6 V plus frequency measurements of up to 128 MHz on any pin. Twelve additional analog measurement channels can capture values from 0 to 33 V with better than 10-mV resolution. One further channel is available as a clock generator, programmable up to 64 MHz.
The JT 2149/DAF can be controlled through an interactive panel (virtual instrument) within the vendor’s ProVision as well as through Python scripts. A full Python API is included as part of current ProVision releases.
Wi-Fi Test Suite
The Wi-Fi Performance Test Suite is the first component in the Azimuth Data Offload and Connectivity Solution Family. The test suite, designed specifically for service providers and mobile device vendors, provides a fully automated test plan for Wi-Fi performance and connectivity testing that exceeds the basics of Wi-Fi Alliance certification testing. The suite has been designed for ease-of-use and provides a cost-effective solution for benchmarking Wi-Fi device sensitivity, range, and throughput in a variety of real world environments.
Developed with the assistance of a leading U.S. service provider, the Wi-Fi Performance Test Suite is based on proven technologies and platforms, including the Azimuth’s ACE 400WB Wi-Fi MIMO Channel Emulator and DIRECTOR II Test Executive. Together, these integrated components compose a fully automated and repeatable test bed for Wi-Fi throughput, RX sensitivity (rate vs. range and radio sensitivity), quality of service, and connection reliability testing.
Signal-Conditioning Boards
Two new isolated digital signal conditioning and termination boards for OEM embedded computer system designers provide signal isolation between a computer and its monitoring/control points. The ISM-TRM-RELAY has 16 independent, single-pole double-throw (SPDT) form C relays. There are two signal lines, normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC) plus a common associated with each relay. The contacts can handle 6 A at 250 VAC/24 VDC for applications requiring medium current capacity plus isolation.
The ISM-TRM-COMBO provides a combination of eight optically isolated inputs, eight optically isolated outputs, and eight form C relays on one board. The ISM-TRM-COMBO offers three different signal-conditioning circuits for maximum configuration flexibility. The eight isolated inputs have the capability to support either an active-high or active-low signal from 5 to 30 V. Every input line is optically isolated from the others and from the computer interface circuits with an isolation voltage rating that exceeds 2,500 V. Each input line is wired to a contact bounce eliminator to remove extraneous level changes that result when interfacing with mechanical contacts such as switches or relays. The ISM-TRM-COMBO also has eight independent SPDT form C relays that can handle 6 A at 250 VAC/24 VDC.
Both ISM-TRM-RELAY and ISM-TRM-COMBO signal conditioning modules are RoHS-compliant and can operate over an industrial temperature range of -40° to +85°C. ISM-TRM-RELAY: $299; ISM-TRM-COMBO: $255 (in unit quantities).
1- and 2-GS/s Oscilloscopes
WaveAce 1000 Oscilloscopes feature a sample rate of up to 1 GS/s with 2 Mpts of memory in two-channel models from 40-MHz to 100-MHz bandwidth. WaveAce 2000 Oscilloscopes deliver sample rates of up to 2 GS/s and 24 kpts of memory and are available in two- and four-channel models from 70 MHz to 300 MHz.
All new WaveAce Oscilloscopes feature a 7-inch widescreen display and debug tools, such as 32 automatic measurements, waveform math capabilities, and pass/fail mask testing. They feature remote control and a waveform recorder. Integration with the company’s logic analyzer and waveform generators provides expanded debug and testing capabilities.
With 32 automatic measurements standard, WaveAce simplifies making measurements. The display can show up to five measurements without crowding the waveform display, or it can show all 32 at once with the measurement dashboard. A range of advanced timing parameters provides insight to the relationship between signals on two different channels. These oscilloscopes provide five math functions: add, subtract, multiply, divide, and FFT.
WaveAce 1000 available in three models: from $790 to $1,190; WaveAce 2000 available in eight models: from $1,150 to $2,975.
Oscilloscope Software
Two new test applications leverage the high bandwidth and low jitter performance of the Infiniium 86100D DCA-X Oscilloscope. The N1012A Compliance Test Software is an automated application for the Optical Internetworking Forum’s Common Electrical Interface (OIF CEI) 3.0 Implementation Agreement. The N1019A user-defined application, on the other hand, enables engineers to rapidly develop their own automated test applications.
N1012A performs a range of oscilloscope-based and network analyzer-based tests for the OIF CEI 3.0 Implementation Agreement. The software also provides 5- to 28-Gb/s physical-layer transmitter measurements for engineers designing to the requirements of OIF CEI 3.0, including the 28G-VSR (very short reach) interface. Product developers can use the debug mode to rapidly troubleshoot their designs.
The N1019A user-defined application expands the capability of the existing N5467A user-defined application for the company’s real-time oscilloscopes to include the 86100D DCA-X. Users can create their own tests, automated test groups, test limits with descriptions, measurement configurations, and customized reports.
N1012A: $9,500; N1019A: $3,570. Free trial downloads of both applications are available.