Yokogawa Corp. of America has introduced a new multichannel source measure unit (SMU) to its existing product line of precision SMUs. The new product is an addition to the GS820 models, which feature isolated 2-channel source and measurement functions. The new unit will be able to source up to 50 V and 0.6 A DC.
The Yokogawa SMUs offer four-quadrant operation consisting of current source and current sink operation. On the 50-V model, voltage ranges are 200 mV, 2 V, 20 V, and 50 V. Current ranges are selectable from 200 nA to 1 A.
Applications for these source measure units include tests for LED lighting and the generation of I/V curve traces for the LEDs and varistors. A similar application is semiconductor parametric tests and measurement of the static characteristics of three-terminal semiconductor devices such as FETs. Curve tracer software provides high-speed, high-accuracy real-time I/V data for DC parametric tests.
Other SMU products from Yokogawa include the 18-V Model GS820. This is also a 2-channel unit with a current rating of 3.2 A at 7 V DC. The Model GS610 is a single-channel SMU with an output range of 110 V or 3.2 A DC. The GS200 is a DC voltage/current source with high accuracy and low noise. The basic DC voltage accuracy is 0.016% of setting. The basic price for the new 50-V 2-channel Model GS820 is $9,490.