The tri-band version of the IQmax test system supports testing of fixed and mobile WiMAX products in the 2.15- to 2.7-GHz and 4.9- to 6.0-GHz bands, as well as the 3.3- to 3.8-GHz band supported by the original version of the instrument. The IQmax also features optional support for WiFi and Bluetooth products. Based on an integrated vector signal analyzer and vector signal generator, the one-box system can test critical WiMAX physical layer parameters for system developers, volume manufacturing, or quality assurance. The instrument meets international WiMAX test needs for both fixed (16d) and mobile (16e), as well as optional WiFi and Bluetooth. It can be upgraded to address future needs.
Included with the IQmax test system is the intuitive and richly featured IQsignal Analysis Suite. This GUI-driven software presents the user with all IQmax instrument setup, control, and analysis functions needed to measure the performance of a device-under-test. The tool provides many analysis functions, including time-domain rf and I/Q graphs, frequency spectrograms, power spectral density, constellation diagrams, EVM per symbol or sub-carriers, peak or average power levels, and many others. The software can automatically detect most critical signal parameters—including bandwidth, rate ID, cyclic prefix, 16e burst map, and so forth. To support automated laboratory and manufacturing floor testing, the system includes a C++ compatible API, which enables fast testing with limited user-interaction.
AVAILABILITYThe IQmax Test System is available now in two configurations: the IQmax-500 optimized for R&D and the IQmax-100 optimized for manufacturing test.PRICING
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