The HP E7475A GSM-based drive test system is claimed to be the first such system in its price range to perform non-intrusive co-channel interference detection. For GSM-based wireless-network operators, co-channel interference is a problem that occurs when two base stations with overlapping coverage areas broadcast on the same frequency. The resulting interference can cause dropped calls as well as other transmission problems. Dedicated algorithms in the test system's receiver detect co-channel interference and decode the base station identity code (BSIC) of the primary and secondary interfering signals. Network operators can easily locate sources of the interference without turning off base stations, thereby eliminating service outages. Configurations of the drive test system are available for E-GSM900, DCS1800, GSM1900 and dual-band GSM900/DCS1800 networks. HP digital receivers and mobile test phones are integrated with Windows 95/98/NT-based measurement software and up to four receivers and four phones can be used with a single drive test system. The non-intrusive co-channel interference-detection feature is available as a free upgrade to existing HP E7475A users.
Company: AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES - Test and Measurement Organization
Product URL: Click here for more information