A new generation of motors for electric vehicles (EVs) developed by German drive specialist FEAAM and the Universität der Bundeswehr will use Yokogowa’s power analyzers to help optimise efficiency. Testing of motors uses drive cycles, so the results don’t depend on the efficiency at maximum load conditions, but rather at partial load operation. A promising approach is the concept of asynchronous motors with concentrated windings around a single tooth. Though the technique isn’t new, it hasn’t been used due to interfering harmonics. The research project analysed the magnetic fields carefully to devise measures to suppress unwanted harmonics, including winding adjacent tooth coils in opposite directions. The first prototypes are equivalent to a conventional traction motor for an electric car, rated at around 50 kW. Yokogawa’s WT1600, WT1800, and WT3000 power analyzers perform the power and efficiency measurements with different driving cycles. Measured values such as torque, speed, and the resulting efficiency are automatically transferred into an Excel spreadsheet.