PowerView's Cable Fault Location Solution can Significantly Reduce Time and Cost
With Power View's software technology and products for Remote Cable Fault Location, cable fault will be simple enough for any electrician to perform as fast as the worlds most experienced professional. The equipment, software, and technology is compatible with most of the existing products on the market, and iworks with the present Windows and Linux based platforms for Centralized PC operated fault locating equipment and most of the portable instruments such as ground microphones, cable route tracers, and earth pulse potential meters for sheath fault pinpointing.
The operator communicates with all existing Centralized (PC controlled) test vans from a 3rd location. Full control of the test van is established with cyber secured software with advanced features which help the process. The operator on site just needs to connect the test leads to cables and enable and enable HV by turning key -allowing the remote operator to do testing, fault pre-location and conversion and turn the key to switch off HV.
If prestored, the cable route can be displayed at the operator glance to follow (while having his both hands free). If route needs to be traced – the Remote operator takes over. With the new product and technology – the remote operator has in front of him portable instruments display, setup gauges and he hear the sound coming from the cable route tracer on a remote location. Using special software for sound filtering thinning and amplification – he can manually fine tune according the exact terrain situation. This will improve and ease pinpoint accuracy. The moving direction, pace and instructions are displayed as a virtual route in front of the on-site operator to follow. With this -the Remote operator guides the onsite operator to the fault. With similar processes -cable surging and sheath fault pinpointing is performed.
Using this technology, engineers can now find cable faults from the comfort of their office or utilities and companies can utilize our or 3rd party certified services for remote cable fault location. Power View invented this remote application. The software and equipment are developed with the National Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies FEIT www.feit.ukim.edu.mk.