What you’ll learn
- What is MISRA C/C++?
- Why MISRA C/C++ is important for developers.
- Why MISRA C/C++ isn't just for automotive applications.
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MISRA C and MISRA C++, MISRA standards for C and C++, respectively, were developed initially to help developers make safe and reliable automotive software. They consist of a set of rules/guidelines that are software best practices which are applicable to any application regardless of their relationship to the automotive space.
MISRA C/C++ was designed to improve the capability of developers to write software that would meet standards such as IEC 61508.2, EN 50128.3, and ISO 262624. For automotive applications, the software must meet Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) standards, which encompasses various levels from A to D.
MISRA C started up in 1997 by the MISRA Consortium. Support for MISRA C/C++ is found in most commercial static-analysis tools and many commercial C/C++ development suites; some of the rules are incorporated into most C/C++ compilers. Open-source support for MISRA C/C++ is more limited. The ultimate goal is to reduce software errors by making it harder to introduce bugs into applications due to common and well-known problems that are as simple as dealing with uninitiated variables.
MISRA C/C++ Insights
Here are some articles with insights into the specifics about MISRA C and MISRA C++ and why they should be used.
Good Coding Using MISRA C/C++
Articles in this section take a look why MISRA C/C++ are important to creating reliable and secure software.
MISRA C/C++ in Action
These articles take a closer look at tools and platforms that support MISRA C and MISRA C++.