The devices reduce the number of discrete components needed and trim board space up to 94% compared to discrete logic designs. By incorporating sequential and combinational logic in compact packages, the new PLDs also lower system costs.
Integrated logic solutions help engineers meet application requirements. PLDs can reduce solution size, lower design and manufacturing costs, assist with managing the supply chain, and speed time-to-market.
Design Tool Helps Engineers Easily Build Logic Circuits
When paired with TI's no-code design tool—known as InterConnect Studio—PLDs reduce development time by enabling drag-and-drop circuit creation and simulation without programming expertise.
The free InterConnect Studio design tool enables engineers to easily build logic circuits, fine-tune logic elements, check for errors, and even view a power-consumption estimate without any coding experience. You can manipulate the built-in simulator for different probe points to view all sections of your design and confirm that it meets your requirements.
With quiescent current less than 1 µA and featuring 50% less active power than similar devices on the market, TI’s new PLDs offer low power consumption to help extend battery life in products such as electric vehicles, power tools, battery packs, and gaming controllers.
TI’s PLDs support general-purpose input/output, lookup tables, digital flip-flops, pipe delays, filters, and resistor-capacitor oscillators. Its TPLD1201 and TPLD1202 devices also integrate analog functions such as analog comparators, with internal selectable voltage-reference options and hysteresis. The TPLD1202 offers additional elements such as a Serial Peripheral Interface, I2C, watchdog timer, and state machine (Fig. 2).