
La Jolla, CA 92037


About Altium

Designers need tools that help them make the most of modern technologies, successfully manage projects, and deliver connected, intelligent products. Altium creates the tools designers need.


4225 Executive Square, Level 7
La Jolla, CA 92037
+1 858-864-1500
+1 858-864-1710

More Info on Altium

Designers need tools that help them make the most of modern technologies, successfully manage projects, and deliver connected, intelligent products. We create the tools designers need. The company's flagship product is Altium Designer, which provides an efficient, powerful workflow for board-level electronics designers.

Articles & News

Image Credit: ShowVector, Dreamstime
Circuit Board Stock

Staying a Step Ahead of the Global Chip Shortage

March 10, 2022
Engineering teams can take steps before and during the development process to ensure they're in the best position to navigate a new era of supply-chain issues.
Promo Altium

Bridging the Gap Between Mechanical and Electrical Design

Aug. 14, 2021
Discover how a single software capability can help transform the MCAD-ECAD collaboration process.
BiancoBlue |
Cloudcomputing Promo Ee

Leveraging the Cloud to Connect the Electronics Industry Ecosystem

June 22, 2021
In this Q&A, Ted Pawela of Altium discusses the Nexar Cloud platform, which can build a connected ecosystem of design, supply chain, and manufacturing stakeholders, enhancing ...
Ew Adlink Promo Web

How to Quickly Create SMARC Module Solutions

March 3, 2021
Adlink put the spotlight on SMARC and COM Express at Embedded World 2021.
Vadim Lerner |
Car Assembly Line Promo

A Human-Centric Culture is Key to Molding the Next Generation of Manufacturers

Jan. 19, 2021
Human-centricity isn’t just a feel-good term made up to improve working conditions. It’s actually vital for the future (and bottom line) of every industry—especially manufacturing...
What’s All This Hassler Spice Stuff, Anyhow?

What’s All This Hassler Spice Stuff, Anyhow?

Oct. 5, 2018
Spice simulations demystify a long-lost Bob Widlar circuit that’s meant to annoy the annoying. Paul Rako takes us through the process step by step.

Videos & Resources

Award Spromo

2022 IDEA Design Award Winners

Oct. 6, 2022
The votes are in. Check out this year’s IDEA winners.

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All content from Altium

Edc21 Pc Be The Change R2 Anouncement Pr 1200x628 2a

Student Electronics Design Competition Promotes Environmental Change

Aug. 17, 2021
Altium, IPC Education Foundation, and Arduino announce a student electronics design challenge to promote STEM innovations for environmental change.
What’s the Difference Between Version-Control Systems for Software and Hardware?

What’s the Difference Between Version-Control Systems for Software and Hardware?

July 18, 2018
Challenges arise when adapting elements of open-source software platforms for hardware collaborations. This article looks at the most common systems, and suggests improvements...

What’s the Difference Between Reference and Custom Hardware Design?

March 6, 2017
The make vs. buy hardware design decision has never been more nebulous and challenging. Here’s a definitive guide on when to take on those PCB spins, and when to pass.

Add Up-Front PCB Design Intelligence to Avoid Last-Minute Mistakes

April 19, 2016
Want to avoid last-minute mistakes in printed-circuit-board design? The latest design tools help gird against those pitfalls.

PCB Design Tool Handles Advanced Placement and BOM Chores

Oct. 1, 2015
Altium’s new Designer 16 PCB design tool incorporates a new component-placement system.
1 PCB design represents just one segment of a larger system design that starts with integratedcircuit fabrication

Today’s Intricate PCB Design Needs Evolved Tools

May 5, 2015
Several tools now combine MCAD and ECAD in one simulation platform to facilitate analysis of ever-more-complex boards, as well as reduce overhead and potential errors.