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Applying Ceramic Tech to Achieve High Power Density (Part 2) (Download)

July 20, 2023

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In Part 1, we determined that Class I (including C0G, NPO, and U2J types) multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) were better than Class II. Class I exhibits high temperature stability, high ripple-current capability, and low loss, thus making these types of capacitors a designer’s first choice in high-power-density applications.

Dielectric Energy-Storage Ceramics

Ceramic capacitors will function as a passive component, which possesses a high power density of GW/kg.7 These devices exhibit the following characteristics:

  • A fast charge–discharge speed is in microseconds, with some ceramic capacitors even in nanoseconds.
  • Good fatigue endurance greater than or equal to 106 cycles.
  • High temperature stability, which is an essential function for solid-state power systems.


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