

Powe Rb Ite Snew2

What's All this PowerBites Stuff, Anyhow?*

How do you cover a technical revolution singlehandedly, especially one that's rapidly changing the world? ED's Lee Goldberg did it by creating PowerBites, a quirky blog that brings...
Powe Rb Ite Snew

This Week in PowerBites: 1,800-Mile Trip on a Solar-Electric RV

Move over Winnebago! A group of Dutch engineering students just traveled 1,800 miles in a cozy solar-electric camper—could this be the future of RVs? Plus, new dc-dcs for fuel...
Powe Rb Ite Snew Rev

This Week in PowerBites: Advanced SiC Makes Design Quick

PowerBites "held the presses" to bring you two technologies that make SiC power devices easier to work with, and two others that simplify driving BLDCs and high-power wireless...
Powe Rb Ite Snew

This Week in PowerBites: Smart Motor Controllers, Smarter Oceans (?!)

Will wave-powered marine sensors and submersibles usher in the age of "smart oceans?" Can students design eVTOLs for the disabled? This edition of PowerBites answers those questions...
Prom Onew Powerbites

This Week in PowerBites: Motors with Printed Stators, USAF Approves eVTOL

While charting a course through the WBG wilderness, can developments in trains, ePlanes, and…air conditioners…help save the planet?
Prom Onew

This Week in PowerBites: Formula E Returns, Semis Declare War on EMI

In this edition, power advances cover everything from Form C reed relays, to a novel power/functional-safety ADAS camera solution, to a voltage regulator that achieves the fastest...