Flash MCUs Integrate Scalable CAN 2.0B Module
The latest generation of PIC18F8680/6680 and PIC18F8585/6585 PICmicro flash microcontrollers (MCUs) integrate the company’s ECAN module, said to be a flexible, easy-to-use CAN 2.0B interface. The module features configurable transmit and receive buffers that are usable for standard CAN operation or as FIFO registers. It supports standard Bosch CAN specifications and includes support for DeviceNet protocols and a FIFO state machine. To support multiple functions, the module relies on three software-configurable operating modes: Mode 0/Legacy, Mode 1/Enhanced, and Mode 2/FIFO. The MCUs operate on 2V to 5.5V and include either 48 KB or 64 KB of flash memory, 3 KB of RAM, and 1,024 bytes of EEPROM. An a/d converter, capture/compare/PWM module, enhanced capture/compare/PWM module, 8-bit timer, three 16-bit timers, and a watchdog timer also reside on the chips. In addition to the CAN 2.0B interface, the devices also include SPI and I2C interfaces and an addressable USART module supporting RS-485, RS-232, and LIN interfaces. The MCUs are available in 64- and 80-lead TQFPs and 68-lead PLCC packages. MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC., Chandler, AZ. (888) 628-6247.
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