The electronics industry is in a state of dynamic change, with pressures ranging from COVID-19 to the pressure in implementing disruptive core technologies.
The 2022 Design Automation Conference showcased the latest design and development tools, and emphasized the importance of communication and collaboration in the industry today...
This year's Design Automation Conference underscored the growing importance of advanced software development tools, especially those that enable collaboration remotely between...
How universities, colleges, and companies are doing their part to help chip away at the growing mound of e-waste that’s taking over the world’s landfills.
A library of selectable standard analog building blocks and unique software enables the in-house design and production of a monolithic power management IC.
The industrial conglomerate said that the start-up would sell a new electronic switch for applications like factory equipment, medical devices, and smartphones.
A buck-boost converter maintains a regulated VOUT regardless of whether VIN is above, below, or equal to the output voltage. Ideally, the change from buck to boost and vice versa...