Integrating on-chip a crystal-less oscillator that eliminates the need for an external crystal or oscillator, the enCoRe (enhanced Component Reduction) family of Universal Serial Bus (USB) peripheral controller ICs is targeted at both cost-sensitive OEM applications and full-function, high-speed retail human interface device (HID) applications, including PC mice, joysticks, game pads, and pointing devices. The new 8-bit USB mouse controllers also integrate on-chip other components typically found off-chip in low-speed USB applications. These include pull-up resistors, wake-up circuitry, and a 3.3V regulator.
The enCoRe family presently has two members: the CY7C632XX value controllers and CY7C637XX full-featured controllers, both packing a 6-MHz clock source accurate to a 5% variance. Optionally, an external 6-MHz ceramic resonator can be used to provide a higher precision reference. And in addition to an 8-bit controller core, the chips also have an USB Serial Interface Engine (SIE) and transceiver, EPROM and RAM for storage, and data buffering and optimized output drivers for reducing EMI.
The CY7C632XX controllers have up to 10 general-purpose I/Os, two endpoints, and come in 16-pin PDIPs and 18-pin PDIPs or SOICs. Price: $1.35 each/10,000. The CY7C637XX controllers have 16 I/Os, three endpoints, and come in 18-pin or 24-pin PDIPs and SOICs. Price: $1.65.
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