Designed to accurately detect shiny objects, the VS3 series retroreflective sensors are said to eliminate the blind response area associated with conventional photoelectric sensors. Miniature in size, these new photoelectric sensors use a visible red beam over a range of up to 250 mm to the retroreflector. Repeatability is 160 ms with an output response time of 1 ms.
The series offers light (N.O.) and dark (N.C.) operating models with either current-sinking (NPN) or current-sourcing (PNP) outputs. Internal circuitry guards against false pulse-on power up, continuous overload, and output short circuits. With voltage ratings from 10V to 30V, the sensors feature a three-wire hook-up and a maximum output rating of 50 mA. Other features include a black ABS housing with an acrylic lens, a temperature range of -20°C to 55°C, and CE approval and IEC IP67 and NEMA 6 compliance. VS3 series sensors are available with an integral PVC-jacketed 2m cable or a three-pin Pico-style, quick-disconnect fitting.
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