The AUX-0025 filter instrument may answer the measurement demands of chip designers and switching-amp manufacturers for an accurate and repeatable solution. Audio Precision's Class D, Class I, Class S, Class T, and digital amplifiers all generate an output signal with out-of-band switching carrier components, greatly reducing the accuracy and predictability of noise and distortion measurements.
The AUX-0025 provides the necessary attenuation of out-of-band signals and reduces the steepness of fast switching edges by reconditioning the signal before presentation to the analyzer. Its frequency response is within ±0.05 dB from 10 Hz to 20 kHz. Insertion loss is 0.05 dB. High-frequency rejection is typically more than 50 dB over 250 kHz to 20 MHz. Interchannel crosstalk is more than 90 dB at 20 kHz. The unit accepts up to ±200 V peak and has low distortion (under 110 dB harmonic at 70 V p-p and 1 kHz and less than 100 dB IMD at 70 V p-p with 18- and 20-kHz dual tones).
Priced at $875, the AUX-0025 switching-amplifier measurement filter is available now from authorized Audio Precision distributors and representatives.
Audio Precision
(503) 627-0832; (800) 231-7350 (U.S. only)